Monday, July 11, 2011

21 Days of Abstinence

Did you know orgasm is as addictive as heroin? Turns out it is. If you ever tried to quit porn/masturbation and it was hard, now you know why.

Why quit? Excessive exposure to sexual images and masturbation desensitizes your brain to the natural joys of life. Our brain produces a small dose of dopamine naturally to keep us motivated. An experiment on rats showed that in the absence of that dose, the rats would just lie around without wanting to do anything, not even eat. They would starve to death even if food was just inches away.

When you shower your brain receptors with excessive dopamine from watching porn, they get desensitized and you are left unable to enjoy the real world. So, if life seems pointless, makes no sense, it may be that your senses are just dulled from watching porn. The 'Your Brain on Porn' documentary talks more about this phenomena.

There is a community of people supporting each other in overcoming masturbation and porn addiction:

Also, you can find more testimonials at:

What do you have to gain? The typical male testimonial: after 21 days without masturbation or porn, women become interesting as human beings. Before, they were just the drug dealer.  I resented them every time they would play hard to get.

Tools for helping you through the withdrawal:

  • Meditation
  • Fasting

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